Morning Mix

The first hour or two of the morning really sets the mood for the rest of the day. Am I right? If I wake up to cat puke on my shoe or the milk for my cereal being expired, the day is going downhill fast. Sometimes it’s just that easy! On the other hand, I can wake up so refreshed from a good night’s sleep that I am ready to take on the day.

The part of my morning routine that helps my day go well is my “Morning Mix”. What’s that you ask? It’s five or six songs that I listen to most mornings (I lose my Ipod sometimes) to get me in the right mood for the day. They vary between upbeat and slower tempos, and the message is what I feel I need to hear.

How do I choose my songs? First, I say a prayer for inspiration and guidence. Then, I hit random. The first ten songs that seem inspiring go into the playlist. Finally, I listen to those songs deleting the ones that don’t feel right. It’s an easy and fun process.

What songs would you put on your list? This is my current Morning Mix:

“Shouting Grounds” by Crowder

The Native American beats make it difficult to keep still when listening to “Shouting Grounds”. On top of that, the chorus reminds me of where I came from. It makes me happy to be where I am now, and excited to see where I go next. God ‘s on my side, and he has a plan. Plus, the song is tons of fun to sing loudly.

“Good Morning” by Mandisa featuring Toby Mac

This one’s a little obvious. Mandisa is talking about getting ready for the day, and how God’s there with her. Yesterday doesn’t matter. Again, an upbeat song just reminding me that things are good.

“Get on Your Feet” by Gloria Estefan

Yep, you read that right. I’ve been listening to Gloria Estefan since the 90’s. Her Greatest Hits album was the first CD I ever bought. “Get On Your Feet” is a wonderful reminder that life will pass you by if you’re not careful. The introvert in me likes to hide, and hope that others will take care of things for me. That’s just not how it works. God has a plan, but it’s my choice whether or not I follow it.

“Lifer” by MercyMe

If you haven’t noticed, I’m Christian. You’re looking at a lifer. This song is so much fun to dance to at stoplights (safest time to dance in your car). It describes me so well. It’s who I strive to be. I’m not perfect. No one is. This is a spiritual check of sorts. A way to make sure I’m where I want to be in my faith. If for what ever reason I faulter, I check in with God. It helps my day run smoother if I am mentally, emotionally, and spritually on track.

“Even If” by MercyMe

All of the songs up to now have been pretty positive. The truth of it is 2019 and the last few months of 2018 have been hard, really hard. My family lost three members, and my adopted (unoffical: see Princess part 1 post) mom has been on a really scary health roller coaster since last November. Some days I wake up overwhelmed by life and a little sad. This song is a reminder to stay hopeful. It’s ok to be worried and sad, but God isn’t sitting on the sidelines with popcorn. He is in control, and He has a plan.

That’s my “morning mix” right now. I hope some of these songs inspire you. If you haven’t heard them, take a moment and listen. Really listen to the message. It might be what you need to hear.

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